Data Breach Founded After Investigation by Oxfam while Database Sold Online!

Oxfam Australia found a suspected data breach after the hackers are starting selling user’s databases to the hacker’s sites. Oxfam Australia is a charity based organization that was focused on maintaining the poverty with the Australian people and along with the people of Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. The organization is part of a confederation of 20 charities worldwide working organization under the Oxfam umbrella.

Different Data Breach Established After Investigation by Oxfam while Database Sold Online

The security researchers last week claimed that the stolen data is available on several hacker sites. This data contains Oxfam Australia’s contact and donor information of 1.7 million peoples. The stolen data contains names, emails, phone numbers, and the donation amounts given by the users.

Different Data Breach Established After Investigation by Oxfam while Database Sold Online

How this all Inaugurated?

This was all started last week when Oxfam Australia knew about this suspected data incident, they immediately form a committee for investigating the entire issue, and also the organization engaged market-leading experts to know about the data may be accessed and also know about its impact on their supporters.

Oxfam Australia, Chief Executive Lyn Morgan said that they reported the matter to concerned authorities, and they also an investigation on their end about this incident. The data stolen was not identified yet and the company hasn’t known about the members who are affected by this attack.

The organization is starting to properly investigating the incident and they will also update their security advisory according to the known information. The experts say that they start investing in the data breach and reported it to the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) and also into the Office of Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC).

Prevention Taken 

All the members of the organization are requested to update the passwords of their accounts on Oxfam Australia and other sites if they use the same passwords. Several experts also say that the attacker behind this attack also trapped the users by using the social engineering expertise.

The experts also advised the users to not disclose their personal information and don’t open or respond to any malicious email attachments. Always think twice while clicking on any unsuspicious link.

While this attack is not officially confirmed yet, but based on the investigation the experts advised the members to be safe and secure.

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